Thursday, 6 October 2016

Electronic Simulation Software: Proteus 8 Professional v8.5 SP0 Full Free Download for Windows with Updater and Installation Instruction

One again Proteus 8 professional with it version added is Proteus Proteus 8 Professional v8.5 SP0 Full for Windows for you who want to create simulation electronic and microcontroller now and design PCB layout easily with it features.

Proteus Proteus 8 Professional v8.5 SP0 Full for Windows also will give you many advanced simulation in electronic project and PCB layout design with ISIS and ARES that allow you to design electronic circuit and simulate it and then you also can create PCB layout design at once using this software.

In this article we will give you global overview about Proteus software, the features, system requirement and the last we will give you the link that allow you to take free download Proteus 8 Professional v8.5 SP0 Full for Windows system. In this folder you can also read the updater and installation instruction for this Proteus v8.5 SP0. 


Proteus is one electronic simulation software that has developed by Labcenter Electronics. This software can make you easily generate schematic captures, simulate microprocessor and develop PCB. With Proteus has such a simple yet effective interface that it simplifies the task required to be performed. This one aspect has attracted many users to select this tool amongst many others offering the same services.

One of the main components of Proteus 8 is Circuit Simulation which is a product that uses SPICE 3f5 analogue simulator kernel with digital simulator which allows user to use any SPICE model from any manufacturer. The application comes with extensive debugging features which includes break points and single stepping. So, the application can be used in the educational institutions in order to teach the students about circuit designing.

As more information to you that Proteus 8 has a very simple and organized interface and has all the necessary tools and commands which are necessary for designing circuit boards and also for testing them. The application is strictly for the advanced users and only those who have extensive knowledge of circuit designing can use it efficiently.
The introduction of ISIS 

ISIS is used for educational purposes and design. Some common features of ISIS are as follows:
  1. Windows can be operated on Windows 98 / Me / 2k / XP and Windows updates.
  2. Routing automatically and have facilities dot placement and removal.
  3. Very powerful for the selection of components and the provision of its properties.
  4. Support for the design of various types of buses and components pin, port modules and pathways.
  5. Having facilities report to the mistakes of the design and simulation of electric.
  6. Supporting facilities interconnect with program-ARES PCB maker.
  7. Have the facility to add a package of components that are not yet supported.

Introduction of ARES

ARES (Advanced Routing and Editing Software) is used to create a module PCB layout. As for the features of ARES are as follows:
  1. Has a database with 32-bit accuracy and provides resolution to 10 nm, the angular resolution of 0.1 degrees and sizes maksimim board to less than 10 m. ARES supports up to 16 layers.
  2. Integrated with ISIS schematic maker program, with the ability to determine routing information on the schematic.
  3. 3-Dimensional Visualization board.
  4. 2-Dimensional Depiction with symbol library.
System Requirements For Proteus 8 Professional

  1. Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  2. Memory (RAM): 256MB of RAM required
  3. Hard Disk Space: 500MB of free space required
  4. Processor: 233MHz processor or higher

Download Software

And now you can click the icon link below to continue download Proteus 8 Professional v8.5 SP0 Full for Windows. There are two files that you show download.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

An Example of facebooks unofficial python sdk usage

step 1) Install unofficial sdk:

You can get facebook-sdk from here!

Python Facebook-sdk:

Installing from Git
For the newest features, you should install the SDK directly from Git.
Run the following command:

pip install -e git+

step 2) Concepts:      

       Facebook uses something called as graph which is a data structure used to model facebook's data where every person, comment , Post , Share everything we see is an object having its unique id and multiple connections to loads of other objects.
          This helps to model social connections like friendlist , hobbies, likes and shares . We can use this sdk in python to communicate to the graph api and carry out tasks needed. 

step 4) Access token generation:
        Facebook account authentication is done using unique access tokens.
 goto and login to your account click on tools and support 
and Graph API Explorer finally click on get access token and select permissions for below example we will need v2.1 with read_stream and Publish permission.

step 3) Code:

This is an simple example of automatic liker

import facebook
import requests
if __name__ == '__main__':
    token = '***Paste Your Access Token Here***'
    graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
    profile = graph.get_object("me")
    feed = graph.get_connections(id="me", connection_name="home")
    for i in range(4):
            # Perform some action on each post in the collection we receive from
            # Facebook.
            # Attempt to make a request to the next page of data, if it exists.
            posts = requests.get(posts['paging']['next']).json()
        except KeyError:
            # When there are no more pages (['paging']['next']), break from the
            # loop and end the script.
    print 'aquired {}'.format(len(feed['data']))   
    #:::::::::::::::like all the posts::::::::::
    for post in feed['data'] :


 Tags: Facebook-sdk, python, Hack facebook, facebook program, facebook automate