step 1) Install unofficial sdk:
You can get facebook-sdk from here!
Python Facebook-sdk:
Installing from Git
For the newest features, you should install the SDK directly from Git.Run the following command:
pip install -e git+
step 2) Concepts:
Facebook uses something called as graph which is a data structure used to model facebook's data where every person, comment , Post , Share everything we see is an object having its unique id and multiple connections to loads of other objects.
This helps to model social connections like friendlist , hobbies, likes and shares . We can use this sdk in python to communicate to the graph api and carry out tasks needed.
step 4) Access token generation:
Facebook account authentication is done using unique access tokens.
goto and login to your account click on tools and support
step 3) Code:
This is an simple example of automatic liker
import facebook
import requests
if __name__ == '__main__':
token = '***Paste Your Access Token Here***'
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(token)
profile = graph.get_object("me")
feed = graph.get_connections(id="me", connection_name="home")
for i in range(4):
# Perform some action on each post in the collection we receive from
# Facebook.
# Attempt to make a request to the next page of data, if it exists.
posts = requests.get(posts['paging']['next']).json()
except KeyError:
# When there are no more pages (['paging']['next']), break from the
# loop and end the script.
print 'aquired {}'.format(len(feed['data']))
#:::::::::::::::like all the posts::::::::::
for post in feed['data'] :
Tags: Facebook-sdk, python, Hack facebook, facebook program, facebook automate